We know what you’re thinking. Bringing the kids with you on an RV trip just seems more like a hassle than a good time. Let us assure you that is not true. Like any camping trip, there are going to be ups and downs. How many of the “downs” do you really commit to memory though in comparison to the “ups”? Chances are, not many. The truth of the matter is that bringing the kids along for the trip is actually a great idea for several reasons.
First and foremost, family time is at a premium when camping in an RV. Distractions are often at a minimum, or at the very least can be mindfully controlled. Electronics can be left out of the equation except for during the drive, when a little distraction is a good thing. After arriving at a destination however, the real fun begins. Expect a little crankiness and attitude at first, but watch how quickly it begins to settle.
Children are natural explorers and adventurers. Placed in the relative safety of a campground, they can experience some of that on their own, with a light watchful eye from parents and guardians. Many of the places you go may even have youth programs and sponsored educational activities like guided hikes, art and history presentations, wildlife viewing, or astronomy outings. Invest in the inquisitiveness, creativity, and independence of your children while they are young and they will grow to become healthy, happy adults. As an added bonus, they will likely meet other kids and develop great friendships.
RVing with your kids also means not only having full charge over meals, but also enlisting their help to prepare and serve them. You get to chose the menu instead of whatever might be available at the amusement park or arcade. S’mores and fresh baked chocolate chip cookies are always a treat at the end of a day along with some stories and jokes around the campfire, but you can opt to leave the corndogs and mac ‘n cheese out when preparing lunch.
Finally, camping with your children assures that they will get plenty of exercise and fresh air. They may get to try new things like kayaking, rock climbing, or mountain biking, and don’t forget all of the hiking too. With more and more stimulation from television and video games these days, it is important that kids also get enough exercise, sunshine, and fresh clean water and air.