Talk with Chris
Chris has been involved in all areas of the RV Industry for over 20 years. His knowledge helps provide a prospective on what your marketing should be doing for you.
Chris talks with you about the pain points in the Industry, how to tweak your marketing to beat your competitors, how to use “low hanging fruit” to increase your revenue, how to improve your customer targeting in your area and how to create a message that will resonate with future customers.
Call (303) 472-2359

Key Takeaways from your free assessment with Chris
Through the free assessment you’ll learn about low hanging fruit of how you can increase revenue now, how to move stale inventory quickly and ways you can cut excess marketing spend.
You’ll understand how to better target your customers behaviors, how to stay in front of them through varying touch points and how to provide value.
voicing the right MESSAGe
You’ll learn how to become the Guide in your customer’s journey to purchase a new RV. Too many dealerships try to be the Hero, when they are forgetting that the customer is the Hero.
